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Sir Kraken II

Sir Kraken II

from $16.00
  • Roast Level: Dark

  • Region: Blend

  • Flavor Notes: Dark, Deep, Bold, Sweet and Clean, Cocoa, Caramel, faint Fruit

Whole Bean or Ground:
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Sir Kraken II is our second rendition of this dark roasted blend; formerly known simply as a mythical sea monster. However, a mediocre (at best) rum corporation decided that their customers would confuse our freshly roasted, specialty coffee with their rum and their poor attempt at offering roasted coffee themselves (we’re not bitter). So, said rum company decided to throw it’s weight around and write a small business a cease and desist letter - because apparently you can trademark a mythical creature (who knew?).

At the end of the day, we pulled the blend - it didn’t cost us nearly as much as it cost them to hire a legal team to write us a letter. Furthermore, we’re pirates and we’re nothing if not strategic and inventive.

So - we proudly present to you our NEW dark roasted blend, Sir Kraken II. With a nod to the blend of the past and to the roasting process known as “second crack” which generally denotes a darker roast — this distinguished beast of a blend is deep and bold, yet sweet and clean with notes of cocoa and caramel and faint background hints of ripe fruit.

We implore you to Raise the Black and enjoy this blend while giving those large corporations whom wish to step on the throats of small business, a hearty one finger salute. YARRRRR!